jeudi 13 novembre 2008

Pause : os à moelle et marchés !

A vous de voir :
Pardonne-moi ->
Lui ->
Manger ->
Renoncer ->

500 Places to See Before They Disappear
Arthur Frommer usually writes guide books about where to eat and visit in Paris, but even this super-enthusiastic traveller is getting worried about the state of the world's environment. To explain the rationale behind the latest guide book, called "500 Places to See Before They Disappear", the author says: "The devastation wrought by climate change and direct man-made interference is familiar to all of us. But this book is a carefully chosen list of last-chance destinations that eco-conscious travellers can enjoy - if they move sharpish - for possibly the last time." So put aside guilt about the flying for the moment and let's dream about the most beautiful, striking and unspoilt places to be visited on this last trip of their lifetime.

La pollution sonore tue !
Découvrez les niveaux de bruit des rues de Paris :

Os à moelle, vous le préférez :
- bien goûtu :
- ou bien pensé ?

Pour faire votre marché, n'oubliez pas votre coach courses !
Version portefeuille :
Version poster :

Où acheter des supers légumes ? aidez-vous de la carte interactive :

Gardez votre marc de café !

Rocky va à un mariage :

Vous vous sentez l'âme d'une modasse ? Participez au concours de style organisé par Comptoir des Cotonniers. Dès le 27 octobre, postez vos looks made by Comptoir sur Brèves de Style et gagnez un place pour le prochain défilé Comptoir

Bad helmet hair day ?
ccording to a poll from the United Kingdom, the majority of women, aged 18-34, do not bike at all, and most of the women polled would not bike to work. 58 percent of those women cited the fear of sweaty dishevelment as the major deterrence. 27 percent were worried about helmet hair. Other concerns included lack of shower facilities at the workplace, safety issues, unwilling to carry a change of clothing and inadequate cycling skills. Only two percent of the women polled biked every day.
Bravo à Mlle M. P. !

Buddhist Temple Built from Beer Bottles
 Fifty years ago the Heineken Beer company looked at reshaping its beer bottle to be useful as a building block. It never happened, so Buddhist monks from Thailand's Sisaket province took matters into their own hands and collected a million bottles to build the Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple. It puts every other bottle building we have shown to shame. Check out the pics!

Cadre et bénévole quelques heures par semaine
Pas la peine d'attendre la retraite pour offrir ses compétences à des associations. Deux formules permettent de s'investir ponctuellement et en parallèle de la vie professionnelle : le « bénévolat de mission » et le « bénévolat en ligne ». Comment ça marche ? Comment en être ? A quoi ça sert vraiment ?

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